The excitement and enthusiasm of a Homeopath, who is about to start his practice is occasionally ‘short-lived’. And it is not their fault. Fresh out of college-Homeopaths often believes that if they have the ‘similimum’ or ‘the most similar remedy’ they can cure any disease.
But what most homeopaths forget is that ‘a true similimum’ is always based on the existing MIASM. It is NOT possible to select the most similar remedy if you do not have adequate knowledge about the homeopathy miasms, namely Psora, Syphilis, Sycosis, and Tubercular. Treating without a complete understanding of the miasms is like taking a shot in the dark (or almost).
Dr. Hahnemann himself had great difficulty in treating chronic diseases. While treating chronic maladies, he had observed that in spite of giving the most similar homeopathic remedy, the ailments kept coming back, year after year. That is when he realized that it was something deranged within the vital force itself – the miasm – that was preventing complete and permanent cure of the patients. And hence discovered the four cardinal Homeopathy miasms.
In his book, The Theory of Chronic Diseases’ Dr. Hahnemann states that ‘a physician skilled in anti-miasmatic prescribing dips deeper into the case and applies an agent that has a deeper and closer relationship with the perverted life force. The results are always better’.
And it is for this alone that we at Mind Technologies have created the mobile app on MIASMS especially for all you young Homeopaths and all those Homeopaths who have been practicing since a few years and want to brush up on their knowledge of Homeopathy miasms.
In our app Homeopathy & Miasms, each miasm has been illustrated in a simple yet accurate way. The descriptions are ‘pictorial’ (with images) making them easy to comprehend and memorize.
There are the descriptive trait of Psora, Sycosis, Tubercular and Syphilis. Emotion & intellect, behavioral disorders, physical complaints of each miasms are developed in slide show pattern. You can read practical cases treated successfully by experienced homeopaths.
Homeopathy Miasms App has been developed to learn about the action of Miasms: Psora, Syphilis, Sycosis & Tubercular. You can download our app at
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