Complete Repertory 2019, Repertory by Roger Zandvoort

Complete Repertory 2019 by Roger van Zandvoort is the world’s leading homeopathic repertory and is used by many homeopaths since last 3 decades. The author Roger Van Zandvoort began his work after noticing the lack of information in repertory by Kent and first published it in the year 1996.

Zomeo Repertory software consist the latest Complete Repertory 2019, which has 21st century homeopathic literature.

CR 2019 comprises Dr. Rajesh Rajendran additions.

New additions:

  1. 1. The additions comprises from Materia Medica Pura Project by Saine A & Canadian Academy of Homoeopathy. It includes remedies - Quassia amara, Trilium pendulum.
  2. There are new contemporary provings of the following remedies:
    • Bitis gabonica gabonica by Thomson B
    • Curcuma longa by Pillay K
    • Samarium Cobaltum Magneticum by Huenecke J A
    • Chamois Milk, lac rupicaprinum by Deschamps J M & Tribouillard J M
    • Proving of the Venom of Eastern Green mamba, Dendroaspis angusticeps by Hansjee S
  3. Polaris - A proving of the light from the Pole Star, Provings of Argon, Proving on Jade and Materia Medica by Jerremy Sherr & Dynamis School
  4. Proving of Streptococcinum, Colibacillinum by Dominici G & Allegri F & Andreotti M C & Impallomeni M & Marcolin C & Mariani I & Tonini E & Pomposelli R
  5. Curcuma longa a multicentric clinical verification study by Central Council for Research in Homeopathy

There are 44 chapters in the repertory as follows:

1 Mind 23 Urine
2 Vertigo 24 Male genitalia
3 Head 25 Female genitalia
4 Eyes 26 Larynx and trachea
5 Vision 27 Speech and voice
6 Ear 28 Respiration
7 Hearing 29 Cough
8 Nose 30 Expectoration
9 Smell 31 Chest
10 Face 32 Heart & Circulation
11 Mouth 33 Blood
12 Taste 34 Back
13 Teeth 35 Extremities
14 Throat 36 Sleep
15 Neck 37 Chill, Chilliness
16 Stomach 38 Fever, Heat
17 Abdomen 39 Perspiration
18 Rectum 40 Skin
19 Stool 41 Generalities
20 Bladder 42 Boger's General Analysis 7
21 Kidneys 43 Clinical
22 Urethra 44 Mirilli’s Themes

Rubric arrangement in Complete Repertory 2019:

    The rubrics in each chapter are arranged from:
  • General rubrics
  • Sides(one sided, left, right)
  • Time
  • Modalities, concomitants
  • Extending to
  • Location
  • Sensation

Gradation of remedies in Complete Repertory:

    There are 4 Grades used in the repertory:
  • 1st Grade: BOLD UPPERCASE
  • 2nd Grade: Bold in red
  • 3rd Grade: Italics in blue
  • 4th Grade: Normal

There are over 231294 rubrics, more than 2540 remedies in the repertory which is perfect for professionals in daily clinical practice.

Complete Repertory 2019 Statistics

Rubrics 231294
Rubrics with Remedies 210280
Pure Cross References 295154
Total Sources 6056378
Number of Sources 4359

New literature added:


Shepard C Luminos Homeopathic Courses

Homeopathic proving of Anthopleura xanthogrammica

Dominici G & Allegri F & Andreotti M C & Calieri R & Pomposelli R & Tonini E & Lanza L & Mariani I


Dominici G & Allegri F & Andreotti M C & Impallomeni M & Marcolin C & Mariani I & Tonini E & Pomposelli R


Wichmann J

Fagus sylvatica

Homeopathic Links

Alex P

Fagus sylvatica

Dumitrscu A N & Baltac A

Geranium robertianum


Kohiraush S

Geranium robertianum

Klein L & Jones C & Mapleson J

Paracanthurus hepatus


Thomson B

A Homoeopathic Proving of Bitis gabonica gabonica


Pillay K

Homoeopathic Drug Proving of Curcuma longa

Nowotny I & Zorzi M & Flick R

Curcuma longa Arzneimittelselbsterfahrung

Documenta Homoeopathica

Central Council for Research in Homeopathy

Curcuma longa a multicentric clinical verification study

Indian Journal of Research in Homoeopathy

Huenecke J A

Proving of Samarium Cobaltum Magneticum


Dominici G & Frattin G B & Allegri F, Calieri R, Ceradini B & Hodor A, Mariotti I & Mayer M, Medea S, Pomposelli R, Serio S , Tonini E

Proving of Proteus vulgaris


Sherr J Y & Dynamis School

Polaris - A proving of the light from the Pole Star

Sherr J Y & Dynamis School

Provings of Argon

Sherr J Y

Proving on Jade and Materia Medica

Saine A & Canadian Academy of Homoeopathy

Materia Medica Pura Project Quassia amara


Saine A & Canadian Academy of Homoeopathy

Materia Medica Pura Project - Trilium pendulum

Deschamps J M & Tribouillard J M

A Proving of Chamois Milk, lac rupicaprinum

Saine A

Materia Medica Pura Project

Hansjee S

A Homoeopathic Drug Proving of the Venom of Eastern Green mamba, Dendroaspis angusticeps

Here is a comparison of the latest Complete Repertory 2019 to other repertories so far.

Kent ++
CR 2011
CR 2012
CR 2014
CR 2016
CR 2017
Synthesis 9.1
CR 2018
CR 2019
Number of rubrics with remedies 64 230 185127 187739 190164 202721 204337 139714 205878 210280
Number of remedies 624 2 488 2498 2509 2 519 2536 2 373 2545
Number of remedies that occur in at least 100 rubrics 362 1298 1335 1345 1402 - Unknown - -
Number of remedies that occur in at least 1000 rubrics 157 505 521 534 563 - Unknown - -
Number of remedy occurrences 503145 2247311 2308011 2384717 2573414 2607602 1066987 2629179 2710175
Grade1 338879 1561126 1614919 1586219 1656300 1716335 816612 1728769 1775914
Grade 2 129362 **83549 **85524 **103864 **198798 167045 201295 170721 176910
Grade 3 34904 413207 416383 499087 519312 522719 48610 525835 542526
Grade 4 0 189429 191185 195547 199004 200468 470 202820 205400
Number of additions clinically verified (grade 2 + 3 + 4) 164266 686185 693092 798498 917114 723187 250375 728655 747926
Clinically verified, % of total 32.65% 30.53% 30.03% 33.48% 35.63% 27.73% 23.47% 27.71%
Number of references and cross-references 0 263323 266846 268376 282653 - 28744 290034 295154
Average number of remedies per rubric 7.83 12.14 12.29 12.54 12.69 13 7.64 13 13
Compensated repertory model Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes - No - -
