Hompath Software has a built in Patient Management System to manage your patients and their case history and follow-up data. You can create new patients, capture complaints, enter prescription details and view & print reports all in one software. Backup & Restore feature makes sure that you never lose your patients data.
Create New Patients, at Ease
Enter Registration Information, Preliminary Information and Contact Details of a new patient in just 3 steps.
Print patient card and give it to your patients for future follow up visits.

Create New Patients, at Ease
Enter Registration Information, Preliminary Information and Contact Details of a new patient in just 3 steps.
Print patient card and give it to your patients for future follow up visits.

Schedule Your New Cases and Follow-ups
Hompath Software has Appointment Scheduler to manage your new cases and follow-up patients.
Create new tasks for self & send reminders to patients about their consultations efficiently.
Make Your Practice Evidence-Based & Paperless
Capture patient’s Chief Complaints, Mind Symptoms and General Characteristics using Classic Case Record.
Use Quick Case Record to analyse the case as patient narrates the complaints.
Note the changes in your patient’s reports before and after treatment.

Make Your Practice Evidence-Based & Paperless
Capture patient’s Chief Complaints, Mind Symptoms and General Characteristics using Classic Case Record.
Use Quick Case Record to analyse the case as patient narrates the complaints.
Note the changes in your patient’s reports before and after treatment.

Ingeniously Designed Follow-Up Details
Create you patient’s follow-ups instantly by entering the complaints, remedy, prescription type, potency, dosage, repetition.
View past prescriptions, add media, view remedy response all in one screen.
Print the prescriptions, patient instructions and diet & nutrition tips and give it to your patients.
Back & Restore - Never Lose Your Patients’ Data
Hompath Software allows you to take automatic backup of your patients’ data periodically and provision to restore it anytime.
Restore data from previous versions too and continue to see them in newer versions.

Back & Restore - Never Lose Your Patients’ Data
Hompath Software allows you to take automatic backup of your patients’ data periodically and provision to restore it anytime.
Restore data from previous versions too and continue to see them in newer versions.
Hompath Software now enables you to manage your patients’ visits, follow-ups, tasks & reminders using Appointment Scheduler feature. Just create appointments and software sends out e-mails and SMS to patient indicating the schedule details. Move your practice forward with Appointment Scheduler in Hompath software that streamlines your day from start to finish.
A Faster and Better Way to Schedule.
Manage all your patients’ visits, follow-ups with flexible calendar displays and layouts. Handle all the patient information and their appointment schedule more easily than ever.
Jump to the date, week or month to display all the appointments of new patient or follow ups instantaneously.

A Faster and Better Way to Schedule.
Manage all your patients’ visits, follow-ups with flexible calendar displays and layouts. Handle all the patient information and their appointment schedule more easily than ever.
Jump to the date, week or month to display all the appointments of new patient or follow ups instantaneously.

Organize Your Activities Using Appointment Scheduler
Send Email and SMS reminders to your patients for the scheduled appointment. You can add or edit the appointment templates according to your preferences.
Add Start and End time of the appointment and have over view of the day scheduled. Keep reminders ranging from as less as 5 minutes to 2 weeks.
Remind Your Customers Your Way!
You can define the time prior an appointment and can trigger out an Email and SMS destined to reach your patient’s phone via Hompath Software.
Configure the settings in Appointment Scheduler and send SMS reminder to patients so that they will never forget a scheduled appointment.

Remind Your Customers Your Way!
You can define the time prior an appointment and can trigger out an Email and SMS destined to reach your patient’s phone via Hompath Software.
Configure the settings in Appointment Scheduler and send SMS reminder to patients so that they will never forget a scheduled appointment.
Hompath Software has collection of 43 oldest to the newest repertories including Complete Repertory 2022 in its vast depository. It allows you to search each symptom of mind, physical and physical general through several repertories at one go. You can record your patient’s symptoms and efficiently manage your medical practice.
Discover the Exact Symptom Efficiently
Select a chapter from any repertory and search for the symptoms for your patient with respect to its location, sensation, modality and concomitant.
Click on the rubric and it displays the remedies with their marks as well as the total number of remedies.
Record the selected symptom which spontaneously adds in the repertorisation sheet.

Discover the Exact Symptom Efficiently
Select a chapter from any repertory and search for the symptoms for your patient with respect to its location, sensation, modality and concomitant.
Click on the rubric and it displays the remedies with their marks as well as the total number of remedies.
Record the selected symptom which spontaneously adds in the repertorisation sheet.

Speedy Search the Desired Rubric
If you are unable to locate the exact rubric in a particular chapter, you can easily find it with the Quick Search option. Simply type the symptom and accurately tract the rubric.
Advanced Search option is very much akin to web search engines.
This unique Hompath Software feature will increase your productivity and enhances existing case analysis.
Simple in Design, Friendly to Use
Classic Repertory View displays repertory and all its chapters in a list format. You can comfortably browse through 43 repertories.
Book View enables to view the repertory in book-like format. It gives the feel of book-in-hand. Here a particular rubric is displayed completely with all its remedies placed against the rubric.

Simple in Design, Friendly to Use
Classic Repertory View displays repertory and all its chapters in a list format. You can comfortably browse through 43 repertories.
Book View enables to view the repertory in book-like format. It gives the feel of book-in-hand. Here a particular rubric is displayed completely with all its remedies placed against the rubric.

Create Your Own Repertory
User Repertory feature enables you to adapt to different repertories and their data as per your personal needs.
This repertory provides you a faster and easier access to all the symptoms commonly observed in your practice. It enables you to refer the rubrics quickly whenever needed.
Narrows Down Search Result at One Go
Combined Symptom Repertory feature helps to combine two or more symptoms as one symptom.
This unique feature allows combining, two or more similar symptoms into one single symptom, thus including all the remedies for those symptoms for repertorisation.

Narrows Down Search Result at One Go
Combined Symptom Repertory feature helps to combine two or more symptoms as one symptom.
This unique feature allows combining, two or more similar symptoms into one single symptom, thus including all the remedies for those symptoms for repertorisation.

Ensures to Catch Right Rubric Meaning
Cross Reference feature gives you the option to view 'Related Rubrics' available to the 'Main Rubric' you are searching, to help you consider and record the most appropriate symptom for the patient.
It guides you towards the right similimum and escalates the understanding of the patients’ symptom to relevant rubrics.
Repertorisation is the important step in analysing the patient’s case and arriving at the similimim. Hompath Software provides you easy and quick method in finding the rubrics and similimum through its user friendly pattern of repertorisation. Quick Repertorisation helps you save time in searching for the right rubric by instantly searching and recording the symptoms.
Record Rubrics In No Time By Intuitive Search
Hompath facilitates you with numerous ways of recording rubrics time-effectively.
The instinctive search feature saves your time in finding the exact rubric by typing only initial few words of the rubric that you want to search in Quick Repertorisation. A whole list of all the rubrics that are closely related to the rubric word searched.

Record Rubrics In No Time By Intuitive Search
Hompath facilitates you with numerous ways of recording rubrics time-effectively.
The instinctive search feature saves your time in finding the exact rubric by typing only initial few words of the rubric that you want to search in Quick Repertorisation. A whole list of all the rubrics that are closely related to the rubric word searched.

Strategic Filters To Quickly Arrive At The Similimum
Drilling down to a similimum from a large group of remedies is now much simpler.
Hompath provides you with various strategies and filters like Combine & Cross Repertorisation, Elimination Method, Weightage Repertorisation, Remedy Filters, Graph Filters, Expert Filters, etc. which when applied bring you to only a few remedies that would best suit the case.
Faster & Better Understanding Of Drugs
Hompath Software helps you comprehend the weightage of a remedy quickly by demonstrating the drug source with their respective logos like animal, plant, nosode, sarcode, imponderabilia etc. in the repertorisation table.
Different colors for different drug marks make the screen pleasing to look and helps ensure about the remedy by comprehending the weightage of a remedy quickly.

Faster & Better Understanding Of Drugs
Hompath Software helps you comprehend the weightage of a remedy quickly by demonstrating the drug source with their respective logos like animal, plant, nosode, sarcode, imponderabilia etc. in the repertorisation table.
Different colors for different drug marks make the screen pleasing to look and helps ensure about the remedy by comprehending the weightage of a remedy quickly.

Confirm The Remedy & Assure The Similimum.
After applying strategic filters, the remedy for the given totality can be confirmed by just a simple click from the repertorisation table.
Click on the remedy abbreviation in the reportorial totality which provides various options like View symptoms covered/not covered, Keynotes of the drug, Remedy properties, Remedy relationship, Clinical tips related to the drug.
This exclusive feature affirms the exact similimum in your case.
Jump-start your practice with Hompath’s one-of-a-kind feature -Quick Case Record. Time is money and this unique features Saves your precious time by allowing you to quickly record patients complaints while taking patient history.
This feature stores comprehensive patient information from recording the case history, case analysis, repertorization to potency selection and follow up in a single step.
Record Symptoms Instinctively
Easily document the symptom in the form of rubric by just selecting the appropriate symptoms or disease condition.
A time saving and efficient application while patient is narrating the history. The selected symptom is automatically recorded and repertorized.
Select multitude of symptoms from various chapters and repertories in an instant and Hompath software repertorizes them for you.

Record Symptoms Instinctively
Easily document the symptom in the form of rubric by just selecting the appropriate symptoms or disease condition.
A time saving and efficient application while patient is narrating the history. The selected symptom is automatically recorded and repertorized.
Select multitude of symptoms from various chapters and repertories in an instant and Hompath software repertorizes them for you.

Systematic Symptoms Recording of Patient’s History
Finest detail about the patient is essential and vital for the treatment and research work.
Classic Case Record helps to enter patient details in the conventional proforma, and spares you from tedious paper work & Full case record available at a single click.
Classic Case Record includes recording of the Chief Complaint, Associated Complaint, Mind, Physicals, Sleep & Dreams, Thermals, Menstrual History, Paediatric History, Fever, Past History and Family History.
Explicit & Illustrative
Never miss out the examination findings an important part of case taking. Record the exact examination findings in Hompath software and refer for future use.
To ensure you are on the right prescription, upload before and after investigation reports in two distinct categories provided for you in the software.

Explicit & Illustrative
Never miss out the examination findings an important part of case taking. Record the exact examination findings in Hompath software and refer for future use.
To ensure you are on the right prescription, upload before and after investigation reports in two distinct categories provided for you in the software.

Entirety of Case History at a Glance
Full Case Record enables you to view the entire case record in its whole at one glance with chief complaint and associated complaint recorded in format of Location, Sensation, Modality and Concomitant enabling deeper understanding of the case.
You can also print it for filing for future reference and as a research material.
Hompath Software has database of 112 Homeopathic Materia Medica books, 3177 remedies along with their properties, 1974 drugs with Materia Medica, 1575 Keynotes, 8000+ Cases. You refer materia medica, can search any remedy swiftly, compare remedies for final selection of similimum and also listen to the prestigious homeopathic materia medica.
Explore Through the Myriad of Books at Ease
Read any book or remedy of your choice and get through the interesting and unique aspects of 1947 remedies present in the remedy list. Click on Materia Medica Read and select the book of your choice.
View provings of drugs conducted by provers from different parts of world. You can also add drug provings observed and experienced by you for documentation in the software.

Explore Through the Myriad of Books at Ease
Read any book or remedy of your choice and get through the interesting and unique aspects of 1947 remedies present in the remedy list. Click on Materia Medica Read and select the book of your choice.
View provings of drugs conducted by provers from different parts of world. You can also add drug provings observed and experienced by you for documentation in the software.

No More Sifting Hastily Through the Pages of the Materia Medica
Materia Medica Search feature helps you to think beyond conventional ideas to reach new horizons.
Reduce your searching time within the software by adding Remedies, Books, Authors and topics from the Library to the Favorites and Analysis features.
Save Your Time & Efforts
Get all the knowledge available about any remedy by accessing the various options in the Remedy Information feature. This hallmark component ensures complete information about a remedy without wasting time and efforts. You can use the same time for helping more number of patients, thus generating more revenue.

Save Your Time & Efforts
Get all the knowledge available about any remedy by accessing the various options in the Remedy Information feature. This hallmark component ensures complete information about a remedy without wasting time and efforts. You can use the same time for helping more number of patients, thus generating more revenue.

Storehouse of Knowledge & Experience
View Pictures, Audio, Video and PPT for all remedies and add more on your own with the help of the unique Media feature.
View from 8000+ documented cases that will give you a deep insight into the intricacies of various modes of case taking, evaluation and analysis, right uptil remedy selection, posology and follow-up. Add your own new cases from your practical experiences.
Annotation For Research or Daily Practice
Hompath Software provides the Materia Medica Extract feature aids the physician in attaining the similimum by effectively converting the Repertory into Materia Medica.
Create an entireMateria Medica of a Remedy and Compare remedies, as per your desire with the aid of the Materia Medica Extract feature.

Annotation For Research or Daily Practice
Hompath Software provides the Materia Medica Extract feature aids the physician in attaining the similimum by effectively converting the Repertory into Materia Medica.
Create an entireMateria Medica of a Remedy and Compare remedies, as per your desire with the aid of the Materia Medica Extract feature.

Doubly-Sure Of Your Prescription
List all the occurrences of a group of remedies given in the repertories in the form of a Materia Medica book by availing of the Group Symptoms feature.
Compare and Contrast your selected remedies to be affirmed before prescribing.
Hompath’s Library is the largest collection of books, articles, cases, media, presentations and journals with 1300+ Volumes of Homeopathic books and 8700+ homeopathic Articles. You get a wide range of books classified as Materia Medica books, Journals of past 100 years - from oldest to latest, Philosophy, Therapeutics, Pharmacy, Clinical, Regional Therapeutics, Remedy pictures.
Efficient Description & Illustration
Get a detailed representation and personification of various drugs by their provers and different other authors with Remedy Picture.
The Hompath Library consists from the most recently published to the as old as 1860. Books, Journals, Articles, Cases, Media are available at your disposal. These are more than 1300 volumes of published books and 2700 unique author references.

Efficient Description & Illustration
Get a detailed representation and personification of various drugs by their provers and different other authors with Remedy Picture.
The Hompath Library consists from the most recently published to the as old as 1860. Books, Journals, Articles, Cases, Media are available at your disposal. These are more than 1300 volumes of published books and 2700 unique author references.

Study Directly From the Source Books
Follow what our masters advise for achieving ideal cure. Learn from the teachings and cured cases of the pioneers of Homeopathy like Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, Dr. J. T. Kent, Dr. William Boericke, Dr. Henry Clarke, Dr. Allen, Dr. Schussler and many more.
Inspirational Works of contemporary authors like Dr. Sehgal, Jan Scholten, Dr. Nanda, Dr. Rajan Sankran, Dr. Parinaz Humranwala.
Maximize Your Clinical Efficiency
Apply the tips for quick prescription to a case to gain faster cure as suggested by our masters. Our Clinical tools let you proactively manage your cases.
1300+ books, 8700 articles from journals, 2700 unique author references, 8000+ cured cases to maximize your clinical efficiency

Maximize Your Clinical Efficiency
Apply the tips for quick prescription to a case to gain faster cure as suggested by our masters. Our Clinical tools let you proactively manage your cases.
1300+ books, 8700 articles from journals, 2700 unique author references, 8000+ cured cases to maximize your clinical efficiency
Hompath provides a huge collection of homeopathic repertories, books and journals. At the same time Software provides intelligent, fast, accurate search feature to search your symptoms, words from this collection of database. The search features searches from ten millions of symptoms and millions of pages of information in a fraction of seconds. Thus software makes sure you don’t miss any of your patients’ complaints.
Repertory Search
Repertory searches your search words from the symptoms of 43 repertories and provides you the symptoms, its remedies, source chapters for easy reference. All this in fraction of a second.
Quick Search, Advanced Search along with combinations of words, partial words, different operators likeAND, OR, NOT helps you to narrow down the results to more accurate and appropriate one.

Repertory Search
Repertory searches your search words from the symptoms of 43 repertories and provides you the symptoms, its remedies, source chapters for easy reference. All this in fraction of a second.
Quick Search, Advanced Search along with combinations of words, partial words, different operators likeAND, OR, NOT helps you to narrow down the results to more accurate and appropriate one.

Search In Materia Medica
Confirmation of your symptoms and remedies is essential in any homeopathic practice. Getting reference from the huge collection of112 Homeopathic Materia Medica books becomes tedious task. Materia Medica Search simplifies your task of finding the correct similimum by providing an accurate and fast search.
Journal and Cases Search
Journal search allows you to search your keywords from the collection of16 homeopathic journals and 8700+ articles. Software allows you to search for combination of keywords along with the partial words, broadening your search criteria.
You can also search from the cases, matching your patients’ cases and gain knowledge on similar cases.

Journal and Cases Search
Journal search allows you to search your keywords from the collection of16 homeopathic journals and 8700+ articles. Software allows you to search for combination of keywords along with the partial words, broadening your search criteria.
You can also search from the cases, matching your patients’ cases and gain knowledge on similar cases.

Reference Library Search
Hompath Software provides you a collection of 1300+ homeopathic reference books and a most unique and accurate Search.
You can search your combination of words from Materia Medica, Clinical, Therapeutics, Pharmacy, Philosophy etc. at the same time and compare your findings.
Hompath Software has detailed information on 3400+ homeopathic remedies with an easy access of its properties, remedy relationships, Pictures and keynotes.
Software allows you to know the basic information about remedy & its source, basic concept of each remedy which can be applied comprehensively in Homoeopathic practice.
Know Remedy Sources & Properties
Study in details about each remedy sources, common name, chemical formula of all the remedies along with their miasmatic behavior, sides, stage & thermal affinities, Moon phases, Time phases, Sensitivity criteria.
Add your own remedies and add properties and use them in your prescriptions too.

Know Remedy Sources & Properties
Study in details about each remedy sources, common name, chemical formula of all the remedies along with their miasmatic behavior, sides, stage & thermal affinities, Moon phases, Time phases, Sensitivity criteria.
Add your own remedies and add properties and use them in your prescriptions too.

Study Comparison of Remedies Using Remedy Relationships
Plan the follow-up prescriptions and the treatment course? Remedy Relations will help you do just that.
Remedy Relationship is compiled of sections like Complementary, Follows well, Compare, Antidoted by, Antidotes, Similar, Followed well – all at one place and at one click for faster reference.
Confirm the Remedy, Study Remedy Cases
Hompath Software helps you to confirm the remedy before prescribing by Cross Referencing the remedy with Materia Medica, view its keynotes, access its picture etc.
You can be sure about the remedy by accessing the solved cases of the remedy from different homeopathic practitioners.

Confirm the Remedy, Study Remedy Cases
Hompath Software helps you to confirm the remedy before prescribing by Cross Referencing the remedy with Materia Medica, view its keynotes, access its picture etc.
You can be sure about the remedy by accessing the solved cases of the remedy from different homeopathic practitioners.

Compare Remedies & Arrive at Perfect Similimum
Ever confused with 2 remedies to prescribe? Now compare remedies and be sure a perfect prescription is made to the case.
Hompath Software allows you to compare remedy properties, keynotes and even materia medica with just a click of the button.
Learn from past experiences. Use 8000+ cases that are systematically organized in Hompath Software - Acute, Advanced, One-sided as well as Obstinate cases - All in one screen.
Treated cases by Masters and Experts like Dr. Hahnemann, Dr. Kent, Dr. Boger, Dr. Clarke, Dr. Parinaz Humranwala, Dr. M. L. Sehgal, Dr. Rajan Sankaran, Jeremy Sherr, George Loukas, George Vithoulkas, Anne Schadde, Nancy Herrick, etc. are accessible through a simple click!
Cured Case Bank can be used for learning cases for a remedy, understanding patient management, research work or writing thesis.
Learn From Homeopathic Stalwarts & Wizards
Wide array of treated cases from various masters and experts are included in the software to boost your knowledge and understanding about their ways of prescribing.
Hompath provides you with a colossal anthology of more than 8000+ treated cases made accessible to you.

Learn From Homeopathic Stalwarts & Wizards
Wide array of treated cases from various masters and experts are included in the software to boost your knowledge and understanding about their ways of prescribing.
Hompath provides you with a colossal anthology of more than 8000+ treated cases made accessible to you.

Confirm Your Case and Prescription
Hompath allows you to study cases for a particular remedy and confirm your prescription.
Cases can be studied from various experts, masters and through various clinical conditions.
Use Cured Cases to get guidance on difficult cases and give expert treatment to your patients.
Search Cases & Create Your Own Case Bank
Hompath Software allows you to search for specific case by clinical condition like ‘Appetite loss’ or a remedy like ‘Cocculus’.
You can also add your own cases by using the ‘Add Case’ option. You can now create your personal database of cured cases and use it for future references and making presentations.

Search Cases & Create Your Own Case Bank
Hompath Software allows you to search for specific case by clinical condition like ‘Appetite loss’ or a remedy like ‘Cocculus’.
You can also add your own cases by using the ‘Add Case’ option. You can now create your personal database of cured cases and use it for future references and making presentations.
At times when, your planned treatment doesn’t work, don’t you feel like you just need some insight, some help, some tip so that you can overcome the roadblock?
Clinical Tips, a new thoughtful feature which gives a time tested solution to give relief to the patient. 600+ clinical tips arranged systematically gives tips on various conditions from acute to chronic and ranging from simple aphonia to advanced cardiac valves insufficiency.
You will always know where to look. It’s a great help!
Simple Tips to Enhance Your Practice
Clinically proven homeopathic practical tips from expert practitioners’ acts as guidance in your complicated cases.
Each clinical tip has a condition, dosage, potency which is ready help in your day to day practice.

Simple Tips to Enhance Your Practice
Clinically proven homeopathic practical tips from expert practitioners’ acts as guidance in your complicated cases.
Each clinical tip has a condition, dosage, potency which is ready help in your day to day practice.

Valuable Guidance From Homeopathic Masters
Clinical tips have been compiled from various literatures ranging from stalwarts to many contemporary authors like Hahnemann, J.T. Kent, H. C. Allen, M. L. Tyler, Boericke, J. H. Clarke to name few.
Software also includes clinical tips from Indian authors like N. M. Chaudhry, Prabhakar Shetty, Balbir Singh etc.
Create Your Own Clinical tip Database
Hompath provides the facility to add your own clinical tips.
ADD your own tips which you have learnt in seminars or have read in a literature and use it at the right time in a right way. You can also share it with fellow Homoeopaths.

Create Your Own Clinical tip Database
Hompath provides the facility to add your own clinical tips.
ADD your own tips which you have learnt in seminars or have read in a literature and use it at the right time in a right way. You can also share it with fellow Homoeopaths.
If you get a concise summary from a vast knowledge bank, you will know exactly what you must read for better understanding. Keynotes help you do just that – very efficiently.
Hompath Software has keynotes for 1500+ homeopathy remedies allows you to refer to the confirmatory symptoms, nucleus of remedy, underlying themes,causations, relationships, clinical domain of the remedy with an efficient ways to compare them too.
Know Insights of Remedies
Hompath has Keynotes of 1500+ remedies, including the most commonly used remedies like ‘Pulsatilla’, ‘Belladonna’, ‘Nux Vomica’ as well as the newly proved like ‘Chocolate’, ‘Yttrium Metallicum’ etc.
Understand the remedy by referring to the confirmatory symptoms, nucleus of remedy, guiding indications, causations, relationships, clinical domain of the remedy.

Know Insights of Remedies
Hompath has Keynotes of 1500+ remedies, including the most commonly used remedies like ‘Pulsatilla’, ‘Belladonna’, ‘Nux Vomica’ as well as the newly proved like ‘Chocolate’, ‘Yttrium Metallicum’ etc.
Understand the remedy by referring to the confirmatory symptoms, nucleus of remedy, guiding indications, causations, relationships, clinical domain of the remedy.

Confirm Your Remedy Before Prescription
Keynotes of the remedies are the best way to confirm your prescription by referring to its Modalities, Mind Related Symptoms & Confirmatory Symptoms.
Confirm your patient’s complaints with the remedy keynotes before prescribing and be sure of perfect prescription.
Compare & Analyse Remedies
Differentiate between similar remedies. Compare keynotes of remedies arrive at a prescription.
See finer differentiating aspects of two similar remedies using Compare feature without referring too many books.

Compare & Analyse Remedies
Differentiate between similar remedies. Compare keynotes of remedies arrive at a prescription.
See finer differentiating aspects of two similar remedies using Compare feature without referring too many books.
Different schools of thoughts have different approaches to perceive a case and understand deeper aspects of patient management. Understand any case throughTemperaments, Predictive Method, Periodic Table Analysis, Sehgal’s Revolutionized Method, Kentain, Bogerian or Boenninghausen’s Methods.
Hompath brings to you 4 Expert Systems developed on understanding of National & International Wizards to make it a truly global experience.
Acute Expert System by Dr. Prafull Vijayakar
Treat Acute Conditions With Great Ease Using Vijayakar’s Expert System.
Acute Prescriber helps you to handle acute cases using Predictive Method.
Books from Dr. Prafull Vijayakar, Theory of Suppression, Miasmatic study helps you to arrive at the right remedy axis in acute conditions.

Acute Expert System by Dr. Prafull Vijayakar
Treat Acute Conditions With Great Ease Using Vijayakar’s Expert System.
Acute Prescriber helps you to handle acute cases using Predictive Method.
Books from Dr. Prafull Vijayakar, Theory of Suppression, Miasmatic study helps you to arrive at the right remedy axis in acute conditions.

Tempraz Expert System by Dr. Parinaz Humranwala
Understand your patients through their temperaments and get closer to their real self using Dr. Parinaz Humranwala’s Expert System.
Get insights of 5 temperaments Sanguine, Melancholic, Choleric, Phlegmatic and Nervous using Tempraz Evaluation & Tempraz Materia Medica.
Seigal Expert System by Drs. Sehgal Brothers
Derive Mental Symptoms of the Patient quickly using Sehgal Method.
Hompath has Seigal Expert System with Path Finder with 65 Patient Scripts and 1000+ dictionary words along with Meanings, Rubrics and Cross References.
31 ROH books help you to understand the patient mental state better.
Seigal Expert System is available in English, German and Bangla languages too

Seigal Expert System by Drs. Sehgal Brothers
Derive Mental Symptoms of the Patient quickly using Sehgal Method.
Hompath has Seigal Expert System with Path Finder with 65 Patient Scripts and 1000+ dictionary words along with Meanings, Rubrics and Cross References.
31 ROH books help you to understand the patient mental state better.
Seigal Expert System is available in English, German and Bangla languages too

Element Theory Expert System by Jan Scholten
Expert System by Jan Scholten makes it easier to understand the relation between the elements of Periodic Table and homeopathy.
Analyze to which stage and series does the patient belong by selecting the keywords from the patient’s case
Expert System also includes Repertory of the Elements and books on Elements, Minerals and Lanthanides by Jan Scholten
Learn from Stalwarts’ philosophies
Do not settle for any less. Along with the above 4, Hompath has built-in 3 strong expert systems of The Kent, The Boenninghausen and The Boger backed with extensive clinical experiences by the homeopaths and their followers.
These Expert Systems make Hompath, a software built with most innovative features, different approaches to homeopathy, exhaustive analytical database of remedies and symptoms.

Learn from Stalwarts’ philosophies
Do not settle for any less. Along with the above 4, Hompath has built-in 3 strong expert systems of The Kent, The Boenninghausen and The Boger backed with extensive clinical experiences by the homeopaths and their followers.
These Expert Systems make Hompath, a software built with most innovative features, different approaches to homeopathy, exhaustive analytical database of remedies and symptoms.
Acute Expert System is built on the theory of Predictive Homeopathy by Dr. Prafull Vijayakar which helps you to treat acute cases confidently.
You may have come across difficult acute cases that demand immediate attention, treatment and relief. At such a point, more than the resources, you need the confidence in handling such cases. Dr. Prafull Vijayakar’s Expert System is especially designed to give you the confidence to treat even acute conditions with ease and confidence.
The Acute Prescriber, Flow Charts, Dr. Prafull Vijayakar’s books as well as the Materia Medica all come together intuitively to offer solutions for the acute cases. Tried and tested wisdom of over 30 years in treating acute conditions, is now available in a concise manner.
In-depth understanding of The Theory of Acutes
Acute expert system is extensively tried and tested & is based on the flow chart of acutes. This chart is most updated and latest, with new remedies. The software displays Activity & Levels which are defined by Dr. Prafull Vijayakar.
It is an accomplished work on the art and science of reaching genetic similimum and curing patients.

In-depth understanding of The Theory of Acutes
Acute expert system is extensively tried and tested & is based on the flow chart of acutes. This chart is most updated and latest, with new remedies. The software displays Activity & Levels which are defined by Dr. Prafull Vijayakar.
It is an accomplished work on the art and science of reaching genetic similimum and curing patients.

Easy to find the correct similimum.
Select the criteria according to patient’s presentation, the number of remedies in the list goes on decreasing according to selected criteria.
Once you click on any of the remedy from the list, it’s Materia Medica from the book ‘The Theory of Acutes’ will be displayed on the left hand side. A quick reference one liner & remedy relationships are also available.
Acute Materia Medica and Library
Acute Expert System consists of 7 books:
The Theory of Acutes
Genetic Materia Medica
Homeopathy and Modern Science
The End of Myasmtion of Miasms
The Theory of Suppression
Treasures of Prafull Vijayakar compiled by Gunter Lutz

Acute Materia Medica and Library
Acute Expert System consists of 7 books:
The Theory of Acutes
Genetic Materia Medica
Homeopathy and Modern Science
The End of Myasmtion of Miasms
The Theory of Suppression
Treasures of Prafull Vijayakar compiled by Gunter Lutz

Quality treatment - heart of your practice
Treat acute conditions with great ease with the support of Cured Cases by Dr. Prafull Vijayakar, Chart on Acutes, with 5 built in repertories. Miasmatic study, a distinct feature to upgrade your knowledge and deeper understanding of rubrics.
Wouldn’t it be great to capture the right rubric while the patient is narrating the history? Interpreting the patients mind symptom to rubric is now easy with Seigal Expert System.
The Seigal Expert System, which is build on Sehgal Method which is proven repeatedly over many years by Dr. M. L. Sehgal and carried forward by his eminent sons, Dr. Sanjay Sehgal and Dr. Yogesh Sehgal under Dr. Sehgal's School of Revolutionized Homoeopathy
In the Seigal Expert System has also decoded versions of entire mind related rubrics, with meanings of each and every word with rubrics and cross references. This helps us to understand mind rubrics comprehensively.
Seigal Expert System
Drs.Sehgal with their abundant clinical experience has developed this methodology.
This unique method, called ‘Seigal Expert System’ comes with 5 modules, namely Understanding of Man, Understanding of Repertory, ROH Books Library, ROH Books Search, Seigal Media Library.

Seigal Expert System
Drs.Sehgal with their abundant clinical experience has developed this methodology.
This unique method, called ‘Seigal Expert System’ comes with 5 modules, namely Understanding of Man, Understanding of Repertory, ROH Books Library, ROH Books Search, Seigal Media Library.

Learn the art of deriving mental rubrics by “Expert Advice”
Seigal expert system allows you to record your own patient versions & has ready versions for your clinical reference. Versions guide you to develop better understanding of rubrics, patient & case taking in a simple way.
If the patient says, ‘I don’t like to take allopathic medicines.’ On further inquiring, we come to know that it is because he thinks it may spoil his body. Then, the software may suggest rubric/s for this presentation like ‘Fear injured being’ or ‘Fear poisoned being’ and so on.
60 such patient versions are added in Hompath software to guide you!
Library at fingertips with just a click
Type in a word and instantly view at-a-glance the word meaning with its associated rubrics in the repertory and its reference in ROH Library. Makes it easy to focus on the important rubrics saving your time.
Each & every word of mind related rubrics is given in software with its meaning, available, cross references & all the rubrics containing that word. This module is in multiple phases.

Library at fingertips with just a click
Type in a word and instantly view at-a-glance the word meaning with its associated rubrics in the repertory and its reference in ROH Library. Makes it easy to focus on the important rubrics saving your time.
Each & every word of mind related rubrics is given in software with its meaning, available, cross references & all the rubrics containing that word. This module is in multiple phases.

Ocean of Knowledge with its intuitive search
Most valuable and precious Sehgal's Revolutionized Homeopathy. Valuable because it brings together some of the most essential of the doctrinal part of the author's teaching in a more readable form.
ROH Library Search is extremely useful when we are searching for particular words from the entire Seigal Library, because it performs global search. It also has the feature of auto-word complete, which helps us to learn word spellings & save the effort of typing the entire word.
Ingenious and vast media library
Seigal Media Library is a practical & useful feature with more than 70 videos & power point presentations. The presentations are arranged according to rubrics, patient versions & remedies. This is a treasure straight from expert’s console.

Ingenious and vast media library
Seigal Media Library is a practical & useful feature with more than 70 videos & power point presentations. The presentations are arranged according to rubrics, patient versions & remedies. This is a treasure straight from expert’s console.
Hompath Software gives you more approaches, more clarity and more cures through its many Expert Systems. Tempraz expert system in Hompath is an outstanding technology solution by Dr.ParinazHumranwala helps you practice with utmost ease taking into consideration the 5 basic temperaments: Sanguine, Melancholic, Phlegmatic and Nervous.
Homoeopathy considers that each human being is different and unique & this forms the intrinsic core i.e. our temperament which is very unique and cannot be changed.Knowing temperament of patient means knowing his “real self” and hence, is the basis of the accurate homoeopathic prescription. This is the core of Tempraz Expert System.Now, we can convert patient language or day to day language in to rubrics with ease.
Derive the temperament by end of case taking
Tempraz Evaluation helps you to zero in to the temperament of the patient, and find his similimum.
It forms the heart of the software and guides you to precise rubrics and helps you evaluate the temperament of the patient.It’s fun and learn at the same time!

Derive the temperament by end of case taking
Tempraz Evaluation helps you to zero in to the temperament of the patient, and find his similimum.
It forms the heart of the software and guides you to precise rubrics and helps you evaluate the temperament of the patient.It’s fun and learn at the same time!

Strike the core temperament of the patient
‘Temperament Quotient’ is the most unique and important feature of Tempraz which helps you to determine the dominant temperament of the patient. It is an intelligent calculation based on your grading and years of experience of the expert. The temperament filter can be applied to the repertorisation sheet based on this result.
Plethora of information
Tempraz MateriaMedica gives you a next level understanding of the drugs in the light of temperaments direct from the source books. This ensures authenticity of the study and gives you an accurate remedy picture.

Plethora of information
Tempraz MateriaMedica gives you a next level understanding of the drugs in the light of temperaments direct from the source books. This ensures authenticity of the study and gives you an accurate remedy picture.

Wisdom of knowledge and philosophy
Hompath is the only software which bundles up vast information such as ‘Temperament Insights’ that gives us an insight into the Temperaments right from introduction to the ‘Temperament Town’.This feature is ideally suited for beginners and also for the doctors who are aware about the temperaments to refresh their memory.
Jan Scholten is a well known homeopathic doctor and is known worldwide through his books "Homeopathy and Minerals" and "Homeopathy and the Elements". Hompath Software has the inherent Element Theory Expert System which based on Jan Sholten’s theory of elements and minerals.
The Expert System eases your way to understanding the complexities of Periodic Table in relation to Homeopathy. Explore the world of elements and minerals in prescribing effective remedies. It will make it easy for you to understand the relation between the elements in the periodic table and homeopathy.
Reveal the Mystery Behind the Elements
Jan Scholten, through his work on elements and minerals has cleared the mystery around remedies like Lanthanides, Hafnium or Krypton and has endeavored to fill the white patches on the world map. It is the greatest contribution in the world of Homoeopathy.
Explore, understand and make use of elements in your homeopathic practice.

Reveal the Mystery Behind the Elements
Jan Scholten, through his work on elements and minerals has cleared the mystery around remedies like Lanthanides, Hafnium or Krypton and has endeavored to fill the white patches on the world map. It is the greatest contribution in the world of Homoeopathy.
Explore, understand and make use of elements in your homeopathic practice.

Exclusive Feature For Practical Applications
Select any of the keywords and its intensity for analysis & record them and you will see how the tool starts guiding you towards the most appropriate stage and series to the case using Practical Analysis Module
Repertory of Elements and allows you to analyze the case ‘on the fly’.
Enter the case history as the patient narrates it in the free flow text box provided below the periodic table. The key words are extracted from it and recorded automatically.
Confirm the Remedy With Materia Medica With One Click
Right click on the element and study the entire element in detail including its Materia Medica and Cases.
The cases are explained in a detailed manner in Hompath software, of not only the element, but also their minerals.

Confirm the Remedy With Materia Medica With One Click
Right click on the element and study the entire element in detail including its Materia Medica and Cases.
The cases are explained in a detailed manner in Hompath software, of not only the element, but also their minerals.

Understand Evolution of Life With Respect to The Elements in Periodic Table
Scholten’s Element Theory Reference: The spiral symbolizes an expansion, the expansion of consciousness. Together with the expansion of consciousness we have an expansion of the overall picture.
This consciousness slowly expands to include the family, the village, the county and eventually, in the Gold series, the country and the whole world and so on.
Access Extensive Work of Jan Scholten
The Element Theory Expert System has collection of work by Jan Scholten in terms of his books Elements of Homeopathy, Minerals of Homeopath, Secret Lanthanides & Repertory of Elements.
Features like Practical Analysis, Element Theory Reference, Spirals, Periodic Table, information on stages and series helps you to understand the elements and minerals better with respect to Homeopathy.

Access Extensive Work of Jan Scholten
The Element Theory Expert System has collection of work by Jan Scholten in terms of his books Elements of Homeopathy, Minerals of Homeopath, Secret Lanthanides & Repertory of Elements.
Features like Practical Analysis, Element Theory Reference, Spirals, Periodic Table, information on stages and series helps you to understand the elements and minerals better with respect to Homeopathy.
Hompath is the first homeopathic Software to give you detailed description about large number of allopathic drugs. Hompath provides detailed description about 537 allopathic drugs for immediate reference, action and planning of treatment in your homeopathic practice.
You can easily study their effects, side-effects, related group of drugs, dose protocols, contraindications, and mode of action. Study their generic names, brand names available in the market by just a click.
Understanding Drug Reaction is Lot Easier
Allopathic drug data will help you recognize side effects of the drugs that your patient is taking. This is essential to differentiate common and PQRS symptoms during analysing the case.
Eliminate the confusion of chaotic symptoms, arrive at the similimum by confirming the symptoms of the patient and not the symptoms of the medicines.

Understanding Drug Reaction is Lot Easier
Allopathic drug data will help you recognize side effects of the drugs that your patient is taking. This is essential to differentiate common and PQRS symptoms during analysing the case.
Eliminate the confusion of chaotic symptoms, arrive at the similimum by confirming the symptoms of the patient and not the symptoms of the medicines.

Effortlessly Assess the Changes in the Case
Hompath Software with its allopathic drug data manages the follow up prescription seamlessly.
You can easily associate the changes taking place in the patient’s condition to either the medicines prescribed by you or the allopathic medicines taken by the patient simultaneously.
Eliminate the Obstruction to Cure
Hompath is with this unique feature aids to provide vital information on allopathic medicines which may otherwise be thought of as the possible obstruction for cure.
The detailed dosage information and route of administration helps you modify its dose when your patient is getting better with your homeopathic medicine.
This won’t be possible unless you have the absolute knowledge of allopathic drugs.

Eliminate the Obstruction to Cure
Hompath is with this unique feature aids to provide vital information on allopathic medicines which may otherwise be thought of as the possible obstruction for cure.
The detailed dosage information and route of administration helps you modify its dose when your patient is getting better with your homeopathic medicine.
This won’t be possible unless you have the absolute knowledge of allopathic drugs.

Taper or Withdraw the Dose Wisely
What if the patients’ disease condition is actually a side-effect of the allopathic medicines he is taking?
For e.g., If the patient is consuming Ibuprofen since many years and presents symptoms like chronic dyspepsia or symptoms corresponding to acid-peptic disorder then the physician can keep in mind one of the cause as Ibuprofen and can see or any change by discontinuing the particular Ibuprofen.
Little Extra Information For Being Successful
Many a times a patient comes in with a condition that doesn’t show improvement even after well-indicated remedy or is not getting fully cured.
Understand where exactly the road to recovery is stuck. Under such circumstances Hompath Software gives you simple insights which work wonders so that you can be successful with as many cases as possible.

Little Extra Information For Being Successful
Many a times a patient comes in with a condition that doesn’t show improvement even after well-indicated remedy or is not getting fully cured.
Understand where exactly the road to recovery is stuck. Under such circumstances Hompath Software gives you simple insights which work wonders so that you can be successful with as many cases as possible.
It is the simplest and the easiest way to record patient’s complaints and note the results of treatment. Information can be stored for a patient, patient's clinical condition as well as for remedies in Materia Medica.
Hompath software allows you to access media files by various authors from different modules like Patient, Repertory and Materia Medica and Remedies.
Patient Media
This module provides you store images, audios, videos etc related to your patient.
Store pictures, audio recordings of patient’s experiences, video recordings of patient before & after the treatment for reference, research as well as evidence based medicine for seminars. You can now thus have proof of the action of selected remedy.

Patient Media
This module provides you store images, audios, videos etc related to your patient.
Store pictures, audio recordings of patient’s experiences, video recordings of patient before & after the treatment for reference, research as well as evidence based medicine for seminars. You can now thus have proof of the action of selected remedy.

Repertory Media
Access media files related to various clinical conditions and understand them better.
Add media files of clinical conditions from your experiences for future references.
Such pictures help in better understanding of Clinical conditions. These pictures can be accessed from the media files and new ones can be added for future reference.
Materia Medica Media
Access media files related to various remedies.
You can view these thousands of vibrant remedy pictures and access audios, videos and presentations. Add new files from your experiences to refer later on.
Media files are useful for future reference and from academic point of view…. Add power point presentations for the remedies.

Materia Medica Media
Access media files related to various remedies.
You can view these thousands of vibrant remedy pictures and access audios, videos and presentations. Add new files from your experiences to refer later on.
Media files are useful for future reference and from academic point of view…. Add power point presentations for the remedies.
Hompath Software gives access to the 16 various Homoeopathic journals published over last 100 years. It allows you to read the articles from the list from many stalwarts.
Scientific homeopathic articles and research is crucial for understanding homeopathic science and philosophy. Hompath software has compilation of different articles which are most important and decisive factors about homeopathic practice.
Gain a Clearer Understanding of the Facts & Findings
Hompath software inculcates 16 Journals delivering vast knowledge from over 100 authors.
Homeopathic Journals which can be excellent sources of background information, includes the depth of coverage that a researcher would need. For in-depth examination of a topic, Journals should be your first choice.

Gain a Clearer Understanding of the Facts & Findings
Hompath software inculcates 16 Journals delivering vast knowledge from over 100 authors.
Homeopathic Journals which can be excellent sources of background information, includes the depth of coverage that a researcher would need. For in-depth examination of a topic, Journals should be your first choice.

Effective Means of Disseminating Research Findings
Each section is segregated with respect to Volume, Author and topics of Materia Medica and Philosophy in 8700+ articles.
You can flip through diverse chapters and extract some rare findings which you can include in thesis. There are abundant advantageous topics which you may not find anywhere except in Journals of Hompath Software.
Explore a Very Narrow, Specific Topic in Depth
You can learn about a particular aspect of your subject in far greater detail. You can easily browse through various sections in a particular journal via Tresorie Search.
You can meticulously read discussion of rare cases, drug proving and conferences by various homeopathic doctors.

Explore a Very Narrow, Specific Topic in Depth
You can learn about a particular aspect of your subject in far greater detail. You can easily browse through various sections in a particular journal via Tresorie Search.
You can meticulously read discussion of rare cases, drug proving and conferences by various homeopathic doctors.

Validation & Dissemination of Breakthrough Knowledge
There are 300+ chapters including thousands of cases dating 100 years back. The validated cases boost confidence in your research work and homeopathic practice.
Learning never ends and this has continually been proven by homeopathic journals. You can read the homeopathic literature, its understanding, evolution and new discoveries.