Amenorrhea is an absence of menstruation occurring between puberty and menopause at any time, except during pregnancy and lactation which are physiological conditions.
Types of Amenorrhea:
Primary Amenorrhea:
When a young female has never had her menses even by the age of 16.
- Ovarian failure
- Problems in reproductive organs
- Pituitary gland abnormalities
Secondary Amenorrhea:
When a woman who had her normal menstruation but stops getting her menses for 3 or more months.
- Stopping of contraceptive pills
- Menopause
- Poor nutrition
- Extreme weight loss
- Certain illnesses
- PCOS (Polycystic ovarian syndrome)
- Thyroid gland diseases
- Ovarian Tumours
These are few causes among many others for secondary Amenorrhea.
Homeopathic Approach for Amenorrhea
Exciting cause: Acute suppression may occur due to exposure to cold, getting wet just before or during discharge, from grief, fright or mental distress.
Homeopathic Remedies for Amenorrhea
- A/F chlorosis (anemia): Apis, Calcarea carb, China, Ferrum, Ferrum phos, Helonias, Ignatia, Lilium tig, Phos, Puls, Sep, Senecio, Zinc
- Suppression from cold: Aconite, Belladona, Puls, Caust, Cimic, Gels
- Suppression from fright or sudden emotions: Aconite, Bell, Cimic, Ign, Op, Plat, Puls
- Delayed first menses: Aletris, Calc, Cimic, Graph, Puls, Sil, Sulph
- Aletris: Atony of ovaries and uterus. Anemia and defective nutrition, constipation, fainting spells.
- Apis: Anemia with face oedematous, waxy. Stinging pains in right ovary
- Calcarea Carb: Scrofulous females, malnutrition, anemia.
- Cimcifuga: Rheumatic, neuralgic and hysterical subjects. Uterine cramps, ovarian irritation. Suppression from cold or emotions.
- Ferrum: weak, anemic females with fiery redness of face. Debility, emaciation, rush of blood to head, flushes of heat in face.
- Helonias: Depressed mood, censorious fault-finding, loss of sexual desire.
- Lilium tig: Associated with nervous affection of heart and ovarian irritation or uterine displacements and leucorrhea.
- Senecio: Suppression from cold, irregular, tardy or scanty menses. Debility, nervousness, sleeplessness, gastric derangement’s, pulmonary disease
The above information is extracted from the book – Disorders Of Menstruation By A.C.Cowperthwaite, M.D.
Read this book in Zomeo Homeopathic Software. It also describes Menorrhagia and Dysmenorrhea.
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