Dr. Robin Murphy, an established and an eminent homeopath created one of the most precise and updated repertory, “Homeopathic Medical Repertory”. This repertory features 74 chapters arranged alphabetically and systematically including the modern medical terminologies and the most updated rubrics using information from the reliable sources.
This repertory covers all the systems and organ rubrics very well; but the unique factor is that there is a dedicated section for ‘Clinical’ among many of its chapters. A clinical condition is a disease that has recognizable signs and symptoms and is also confirmed with laboratory findings.

Chapter ‘Clinical’ in Murphys Repertory from Hompath Zomeo
In the present era of rapid scientific progress and a consequence of advances in molecular biology, genetics, immunology, the importance given to the modern medical terminologies and diagnoses, it becomes imperative for a modern homeopath to understand these terms and conditions from the homeopathic perspective. Patients today are very much alert and aware of their conditions they suffer from.
For example, patients come directly with their reports and findings like ‘cirrhosis of liver’ or ‘actinomycosis’, or ‘leukaemia’ or ‘Guillain-Barre syndrome’ etc. An unprejudiced homeopath however, always pays attention to the complete totality of the patient while recording his symptoms; the knowledge of the clinical condition helps him to get a better perspective.
The chapter “Clinical” thus offers an easier approach while repertorizing the case. Under this chapter, rubrics are mentioned as specific clinical condition. For example, when the patient says he cannot tolerate hunger and start to feel dizzy or heavy-headed, we can directly select the rubric ‘hypoglycemia, low blood sugar, agg. This helps instantly to narrow down your list of remedies.
It is mandatory for the homeopath to understand clinical conditions from an overall perspective. How the disease has occurred? What were the physical factors when the disease occurred? Or how was the mental status? With this holistic understanding, one can use the ‘Clinical’ chapter effectively.
A word warning is therefore necessary, that homeopaths do not jump to conclusions by knowing the lab findings and start repertorizing directly from the ‘Clinical’ chapter. This will prevent you from taking the important totality and the selection of medicines may fail miserably.
‘Clinical’ chapter in Murphy’s Repertory is one of the most practical tools which if used wisely can help you derive amazing results in your patients.