A good homeopath will never prescribe a remedy only on the basis of the patients desires and aversions. But he will definitely take those in the totality if they are PQRS as the master of Homeopathy – Samuel Hahnemann said about the characteristic symptom.
There are over 100s of rubrics on desires and aversions in homeopathic repertory. Some repertory mentions them under Desires / Likes / Cravings and Aversion / Dislikes either in chapter Stomach or in Generalities.
A homeopathic physician should choose them wisely as not every food or drink is mentioned in repertory. As the diet changes with every region, you will not find staple foods in the repertory. For example, Concise Repertory of Homeopathic Medicines by Dr. S R Phatak contains foods consumed in India: sugarcane juice, tamarind water. If you use other repertories, you can substitute the foods with its taste.
Read Phatak’s repertory in Zomeo Homeopathic Software.
Desires and Aversions:
It is difficult to memorize all the foods and drinks desires / aversions of all remedies. Let us learn few interesting desires and aversions.
Acid drinks: Ammon mur, Ant crud, Borax, Calc carb, Plumbum
Acid fruits: Calc carb, Ars alb, Ignatia, Thuja
Almonds: Cubeba
Apples: Aloe, Ant tart
Biscuit: Plumbum
Buttered bread: Agar, Bell, Fer met, Ign, Mag carb
Wheat bread: Aurum met
Cakes: Plumbum
Coffee burned: Alumin
Cucumbers: Ant crud
Fried eggs: Natrum phos
Lime, slate pencils, chalk or clay: Alumin, Cicuta, Nit ac, Nux vom
Plums: Sul ac
Alcoholic drinks: Ignatia
Bananas: Elaps
Breakfast: Conium, Lyc
Chocolate: Osmium, Tarentula
Eggs: Ferrum met
Garlic: Sabadilla
Potatoes: Thuja
Tea: Carbolic acid
Cold water: Bell, Bry, Calad, Caust, Nux vom, Tab
Salt food: Carbo veg, Graph, Nat mur, Sel, Sil
Fruit: Baryta carb, Ign
Boiled food: Lyc
The above information is extracted from the book – Desires and Aversions in Homeopathy- William Jeffrson Guernsey.
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