Kent’s Guidelines for Potency Selection

Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, introduced the concept of potencies, emphasizing the importance of selecting the right potency for effective treatment. Let us see what are Kent’s guidelines for selecting potency, shedding light on this crucial aspect of homeopathic practice. Understanding the Vital Force: According to Kent, the vital force is dynamic…

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Urticaria & Its Homeopathic Management

Urticaria, commonly known as hives, is a skin condition characterized by the sudden appearance of raised, red, and itchy welts on the skin. These welts can vary in size and shape and often come and go within a short period, typically lasting less than 24 hours. They cause itching or…

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Application of Boericke’s Repertory in Urinary Tract Infections

Boericke’s Repertory stands as a cornerstone in homeopathic clinical practice, renowned for its practicality and effectiveness. This clinical repertory, encompassing over 8000 symptoms and featuring approximately 1100 remedies, offers a wealth of information for homeopaths. Skillfully navigating Boericke’s Repertory enhances the precision of remedy selection, particularly in cases where clinical…

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Essential Keynote Picture of Cedron

Cedron is derived from the plant — Simaruba ferroginea, also known as Simaba cedron.  Cedron is characterized by its slender, elongated seeds, resembling the shape of a small cucumber. Key Indications: Malarial Affections: Cedron is renowned for its efficacy in treating malarial fevers. It is particularly indicated when the fever…

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PCOD: An Integrated Approach of Homeopathy and Lifestyle Management

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a common endocrine disorder affecting females of the reproductive age group. Hormonal balance leads to a range of symptoms such as irregular periods, cystic ovaries, and hormonal imbalances. While conventional treatments aim to manage symptoms, an integrated approach combining Homeopathy and lifestyle management offers a…

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Homeopathic Therapeutics for Migraine

Migraine is a debilitating neurological disorder, manifesting as intense, throbbing headaches often accompanied by nausea, and sensitivity to light and sound. Individualization is the key to understanding the different types of migraine and how they manifest. Migraines are characterized by severe, pulsating headaches that can last for hours to days.…

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Unfolding the Mental Qualities of Thuja

Thuja or the “Arbor Vitae” also known as Western Red Cedar, is a type of evergreen coniferous tree. But what makes it the “Tree of Life”? Thuja trees are known for their longevity. They can live for several hundred years. The term “Tree of Life” might reflect the enduring nature…

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Exploring the Power of Keynote Prescriptions in Homeopathy

Homeopathy is a holistic system of medicine that believes in treating the individual as a whole, addressing not just the physical symptoms but also the emotional and mental aspects. Keynote prescription is an important approach within homeopathy, as it delves deep into the patient’s unique characteristics and symptoms to find…

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