Searching PQRS symptoms in repertories using Quick Case Record and Repertory Internal Search

Discover how Zomeo- Homeopathic software helped to analyze the case of chronic asthma with characteristics to arrive at the similimum within few minutes and curing the case.


A middle aged man who was a fruit vendor by occupation had chronic complaints of breathlessness since 5 years. He was diagnosed with Bronchial asthma.

As soon as he is exposed to dust he gets the attack. When he has an attack he feels better only after passing stool. He also complained of fever with sweat.

Rubrics considered:

  • Asthma breathing >after stool
  • Passing of stool, when breathing is hard, ceased in asthma
  • Sweat during spell of asthma worse during stool

Patient was prescribed Pothos  by searching the rubrics in the repertories and repertorisating the case using Zomeo with features of Quick case record and repertory internal search.

What are the steps to follow for searching the above rubrics using Quick Case Record and Repertory Internal search in Zomeo:

Quick Case Record:

This feature is of great help when the classical case taking is not possible and a quick case-taking is done for a faster prescription. To use Quick Case Record, from the Menu bar, select ‘Patient’ module and then select ‘Quick Case Record’ from the ‘Case Taking’ section.

Quick Case Record

Select the disease condition of the patient from the list given under ‘Disease Condition’ on the left hand side of the screen.

Disease Condition

You can type few initial alphabets of the required disease condition and the related options are made available for you to select from.

Disease Condition

On selecting the disease condition, related check-box with their respective options will open for selecting the desired symptom. When the symptom is selected (by clicking in the empty check-box) it directly gets added to the repertorial sheet which can be viewed by clicking on ‘Repertorisation’.

Repertorisation Sheet

You can search for specific rubric by using the feature of Level search in repertory module of Zomeo homeopathic software:

Searching the rubric using the feature ‘REPERTORY INTERNAL SEARCH’

To view a particular rubric

Select a repertory to view a rubric. Here we have selected Kent’s repertory.

Select the chapter ‘Respiration’ to search a rubric – Asthmatic, stool amel

After selecting the chapter, type the desired second level rubric in the data field named ‘2nd Level Search’ and ‘3rd Level Search’.

e.g.: 2nd Level Search: – ‘Asthmatic’, 3rd Level Search: Stool


Click on the desired rubric and click ‘Record’ to add a particular rubric to the repertorisation sheet.

Repertorisation sheet:

This enables the physician to view all the recorded symptoms along with their list of remedies.

The other name of Pothos is Ictod.

Pothos Foetidus

Patient was given Pothos repeatedly which cured him. Case solving with Hompath-Zomeo is indeed rewarding. Searching of PQRS symptoms across ocean of rubrics is quick with use of Zomeo.

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