Understanding Lilium Tigrinum Using Zomeo Homeopathic Software

The Lilium Tigrinum is a well-known showy, orange-colored, coarse-flowered, garden plant, very abundant in cultivation, and is a native of China and Japan. It belongs to the Liliaceae family, and the medicine is prepared from fresh stalks, leaves, and flowers. Lilium Tig is chiefly a woman’s remedy and is especially suited to hysterical women, who suffer from uterine troubles, cardiac troubles, and various nervous manifestations.

The Lilium Tigrinum Lady:

Lilium Tig can often be overlooked as Sepia or Nat Mur and they have a certain conspicuous resemblance with each other. Lilium Tig is rather compact, firmly set up, fairly full-blooded, and fair rather than dark. She is not the soft and yielding type by any means, nor unduly aggressive as the Natrum Mur, and quite different from the resentful attitude of the Sepia. So, there is a quite separate personality for Lilium tigrinum. She is more fat rather than thin, and a hot remedy. The face is dull and often has blue lips. They are apt to be a bit cyanotic generally and rather full-lipped.

Personality & Mental Symptoms:

The main theme of Lilium Tig is religious fervor alternating with an increased sexual desire.  This is very contrasting and so the patient considers this high sexual desire as absolutely sinful and always tries to repress it. She always feels tormented about her salvation. In order to repress her “sinful” thoughts, she tries to indulge in some form of activity. There is a constant hurried feeling, of imperative duties and utter inability to perform.

Due to her constant anxiety and turmoil within, she can hardly speak a decent word with anyone. She is irritable, snappish, and cannot be pacified. Consolation aggravates. Disposed to curse, to strike, to think of obscene things.

There is envy, she is dissatisfied with her own things. All her mental complaints, her weepiness, apprehensiveness, timidity, cursing, etc. come along with her uterine complaints.

Physical General Symptoms:

Dr. N.M. Choudhari in his book wonderfully explains the physical spheres of action.

It has three principal spheres of action:-(1) It causes congestion and hyperaesthesia of the female sexual organs. (2) It causes extreme sensitivity of the posterior spinal cord. (3) It increases the reflex excitability of the heart.

Lilium Tigrinum


Physical Particulars:

  1. Head: Wild feeling in the head, as though she would go crazy, with pain in the right iliac region.
  2. Eyes: Hyperesthesia of the retina. Myopic astigmia. Useful in restoring power to the weakened ciliary muscle (Arg nit).
  3. Stomach: Flatulent, nausea, with the sensation of a lump in the stomach. Lilium tig. Has the biggest appetite. And emptiness after a meal, which is not satisfied. Lilium does not take a large meal. Craving for salt, beer, meat, and fish, and occasionally milk. And they have a great aversion to sour wine because it thoroughly upsets them.
  4. Abdomen: Abdomen sore, distended; trembling sensation in the abdomen which is worse, standing; better, walking in the open air. Bearing down in the lower part of the abdomen.
  5. Urinary: Frequent urging. Urine is milky, scanty, and hot.
  6. Stool: This remedy has very urgent diarrhea, driving out of bed in the morning; she must hurry. Constant desire to defecate, from pressure in the rectum, worse by standing. Dysentery; mucus and blood, with tenesmus, especially in plethoric and nervous women at the change of life.
  7. Heart: Sensation as if the heart were grasped in a vise (Cact). Palpitation; irregular pulse; very rapid. Pain in the cardiac region, with a feeling of a load on the chest. Cold feeling about heart. Suffocating feeling in a crowded and warm room. Angina pectoris with pain in the right arm.
  8. Female: Lilium Tig is an excellent remedy for females. All complaints are accompanied by a downward dragging sensation. Menses early, scanty, dark, clotted, offensive, flows only when moving about. The patient feels a bearing down sensation with an urgent desire for stool, as though all organs would escape, which ceases when resting (Sep; Lac c; Bell). There is congestion of the uterus, prolapse, and anteversion. The patient has a constant desire to support parts externally. Pain in ovaries and down thighs. Acrid, brown leucorrhea; smarting in labia. Sexual instincts are heightened and the patient finds them sinful and tries to repress them. Bloated feeling in uterine region. Great remedy for sub-involution of the uterus. Pruritus pudendi.

You can learn more symptoms through the Rubric Extract Feature from Hompath Zomeo. You can find all the symptoms of Lilium Tig through this feature. You can also select your features, like common symptoms, unique PQRS, and Single remedies.

Remedy Extract

9. Extremities: Cannot walk on uneven ground. Pain in back and spine, with trembling, but oftener in front of a pressing-down character. Pricking in fingers. Pain in right arm and hip. Legs pain, cannot keep them still. Pain in ankle joint. Burning palms and soles.

10. Sleep: Unrefreshing, with disagreeable dreams. Unable to sleep, with wild feelings in the head.

11.Fever: Great heat and lassitude in the afternoon, with throbbing throughout the body.

12. Modalities: Worse consolation, warm room. Better, fresh air.

Lilium Tig can be compared to Cactus, Helonias, Murex, Sepia, Platina, and Palladium as they are closely related to each other.

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