Homeopathic Remedies for Hives (Urticaria)

Urticaria, commonly referred to as hives, is an allergic condition of the skin involving a dermal and epidermal layer of the skin. Urticarial rashes are usually raised, well-circumscribed areas of erythema and oedema. It causes severe itching and may cause burning and stinging. Urticaria occurs due to certain triggers such…
World Asthma Day – 7th May

Global Initiative for Asthma (GINA) organizes an annual event on the first Tuesday of May – World Asthma Day, to spread asthma awareness, its care, and treatment around the world. It is an initiative to improve asthma awareness by various health and education activities. The first World Asthma Day was…
Effective tips To Treat Thyroid conditions
10 – Homeopathic Medicines for Asthma

Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disorder of the airways characterized by reversible airflow obstruction. Symptoms of Asthma Shortness of breath Wheezing Coughing attacks Asthma comes on after exercise or exertion (exercise-induced asthma). It is mandatory to observe the reaction to certain triggers like – Cigarette smoke (active or passive)…
Homeopathy for ADHD

ADHD – attention deficit hyperactive disorder is one of the common childhood disorders. It is a neurodevelopment and psychiatric illness with a variety of behavioral disorder in children. There are significant problems which cause attention deficit, impulsiveness or hyperactivity which is inappropriate for the age. ADHD in an adult is…
Remedy Reaction | Organon of Medicine (Aphorism 161-171)
Kali Group of Remedies in Homeopathy
Learn About Homeopathy Miasms – Simple & Educative

The excitement and enthusiasm of a Homeopath, who is about to start his practice is occasionally ‘short-lived’. And it is not their fault. Fresh out of college-Homeopaths often believes that if they have the ‘similimum’ or ‘the most similar remedy’ they can cure any disease. But what most homeopaths forget…