Homeopathic Remedies for Kidney stones

Kidney Stone

Renal stones are aggregates of crystals, proteins, and glycoprotein. Mostly it consists of calcium stones with oxalates, phosphates, etc. Kidney stones can stay silent in one of the corners of the kidney for years, but when it produces symptom person can get one or more of the following symptoms: Severe…

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Homeopathic Remedies for Hives (Urticaria)

Urticaria, commonly referred to as hives, is an allergic condition of the skin involving a dermal and epidermal layer of the skin. Urticarial rashes are usually raised, well-circumscribed areas of erythema and oedema. It causes severe itching and may cause burning and stinging. Urticaria occurs due to certain triggers such…

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World Asthma Day – 7th May


Global Initiative for Asthma (GINA) organizes an annual event on the first Tuesday of May – World Asthma Day, to spread asthma awareness, its care, and treatment around the world. It is an initiative to improve asthma awareness by various health and education activities. The first World Asthma Day was…

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Effective tips To Treat Thyroid conditions


Thyroid is a small pear-shaped gland situated below neck just behind Adam’s apple. It produces hormones – Triiodothyronine (T3) and Thyroxine (T4). The function of these hormones is to regulate the metabolism of the body. It produces energy which can be used by the whole body.  Thus Thyroid has an…

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Homeopathy for ADHD

ADHD – attention deficit hyperactive disorder is one of the common childhood disorders. It is a neurodevelopment and psychiatric illness with a variety of behavioral disorder in children. There are significant problems which cause attention deficit, impulsiveness or hyperactivity which is inappropriate for the age. ADHD in an adult is…

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Kali Group of Remedies in Homeopathy

Kali Groupof Remedies in Homeopathy

Kali is Potassium salt, which is used in Homeopathic materia medica as different combination of the potassium salt. There are more than 40 remedies in kali group which are used for different ailments. But the core or the basic theme of all kali salts remains the same. Constitution: Generally, all…

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Thyroid disorders and Homeopathy

Thyroid disorders and Homeopathy

What is Thyroid? The Thyroid is a small pear-shaped gland situated below neck just behind Adam’s apple. It produces Hormone – Triiodothyronine (T3) and Thyroxinine (T4). The function of these hormones is to regulate the metabolism of the body. It produces energy which can be used by the whole body.…

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Comparison of Ignatia and Natrum-mur in Grief

Life is never happily ever after. Every individual goes through good and bad phases in relationships. We all experience rollercoaster of emotions: happy, sad, anger, rage, lack of confidence, humiliation, irritability. Sigmund Freund said, “Emotions are responsible for mental disturbances and somatic disorders. Physical symptoms are often the surface manifestations…

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Acute Mental Illness and its Homeopathic Management

Acute Mental Illness

Acute mental illness is characterized by the sudden development of distressing symptoms that affect mood, thinking, and behavior requiring immediate medical intervention. It might be a person’s first development of the symptoms or repetitive episodes. The mental illnesses can be: Depression Anxiety disorders Schizophrenia Eating disorders Acute mental illness has…

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Homeopathy Remedies for Alcoholism


Alcoholism is used to describe a condition that is caused due to the ill effects of alcohol consumption. It is also known as Alcohol Abuse Disorder. It comprises of a list of physical as well as mental symptoms resulting from excessive alcohol intake. Excessive alcohol intake is capable of affecting…

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