Skillful use of Repertory- Knerr Repertory

Repertories have come a long way since the time of Dr. Hahnemann with more than 200 repertories available as of today. Repertories have been classified according to: Appearances (book, card, software) Internal formatting (logical, puritan) General repertories (based on inductive and deductive logic) Regional & particular repertories, and so on.…

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Utility section in Hompath Homeopathy Softwares

Digitalization of homeopathy began with the provings of newer and newer drugs and creation of newer repertories. Each repertory was based on different principle having their valuable position on their own. Over a period of time, homeopathic software became one of the cardinal assets in homeopathic practice. Hompath Software has…

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Homeopathy for treatment of Migrane

Migraine is a disorder where a person suffers from repeated episodes of headache. These episodes are very painful and often make the person toss and turn in pain. Symptoms of migraine: It takes a toll on the person suffering and the person ends up missing his daily activities.  A person…

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Homeopathy for treatment of Vitiligo

Leukoderma or white patches, as usually known, Vitiligo is an auto-immune disease which is quite commonly seen in homeopathic practice. This is because of the limited scope of other treatments which fail to help Vitiligo. Vitiligo is a skin disorder characterized by white spots or white patches on the skin.…

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Skillful use of Repertory- Pathak Repertory

Using the repertory is the most essential aspect of practicing homeopathy. Translating the language of patients into rubrics is a work of art and a homeopath has to be very skilful while doing so. A repertory is a storehouse of homeopathic data, an index which is compiled to include symptoms…

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Case of a mentally retarded child with convulsions

1995 Volume 30 Number 1- Dr. Ajit Kulkarni Here is a case of 1995 which appeared in the Indian Journal of Homeopathic medicine about a mentally retarded child with convulsions. Let us attempt to solve this case using the most leading software, Hompath Zomeo. The case is presented exactly as…

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Homeopathy for treatment of Tonsillitis

Homeopathy for tosillitis

Tonsillitis is inflammation of tonsils, which are collection of lymphoid tissues located in the throat. It is the most common upper respiratory tract infections (URTI) and is frequently prevalent especially among children. Even adults occasionally may acquire tonsillitis due to low immunity. Tonsils are part of body’s’ defence system that…

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Tempraz Expert System- Dr. Parinaz Humranwala

Homeopathy has been reaching extra-ordinary heights since its foundations laid by Dr. Hahnemann. Stalwarts keep coming; adding to the newest information updated according to the latest technologies and creating histories. Although there have been different schools of thoughts in homeopathy, the collective goals remain the same to do the higher…

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