Top 12 Mind Symptoms of Causticum that you need to Know

Mind Symptoms of Causticum

Causticum is a great Polychrest remedy of homeopathic materia medica. It is quite complicated to produce. Causticum is made from Slake Lime or calcium sulphate and potassium hydroxide. It is in the marble state and it is insoluble in water. This article highlights the few best Mind Symptoms of Causticum.…

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Materia Medica of Kali(Potassium) Salt

Kali or Potassium salt is the normal constituent of tissues and fluids especially muscles. It is also one of the components of nerve cells. There are 40+ remedies in the Kali group that are used for different ailments. But the basic theme or the core of all Kali salts remains…

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Compare Alumina, Bryonia to know your remedies better!

Alumina & Bryonia

Alumina & Bryonia are complementary homeopathic remedies which means they share many similar symptoms. Most of the time we ignore the importance of remedy relationships while deciding a prescription. Knowledge of remedy relations can uplift the errors in prescribing. It can be useful when a well-selected remedy fails to act…

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Bacillinum Burnett – Homeopathic Materia Medica

Bacillinum Burnett

Common name: Nosode of Tuberculosis named after Dr. Brunett Characteristics: This Nosode is prepared from tuberculous sputum. It is indicated in chronic catarrhal conditions of the lungs with enfeebled pulmonary circulation. An intercurrent course of Bacillinum will often make a wonderful change in patients who have a personal or family…

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Melilotus – Religious Mania in Homeopathic Remedy


Which are the homeopathic remedies that come in your mind for ‘religious mania’? Belladona, Hyoscyamus, Sulphur or Stramonium? But there are about 27 remedies under the rubric – ‘religious affections: mania’ in Complete Repertory. Melilotus ranks second and has 4 marks under religious mania. You must have known this remedy…

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Clinical Tips of Homeopathic Remedies | A to C

Clinical Tips

It might happen that even with a well-selected homeopathy remedy, a case doesn’t improve or the amelioration gets halted. In such cases, you can get a breakthrough with the application of Clinical Tips. These clinical tips have been compiled by experienced homeopathic physicians with decades of clinical practice. They have…

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Knerr’s Repertory – Mind Rubrics

Knerr's Repertory - Mind Rubrics

Knerr’s Repertory or The Repertory of Hering’s guiding symptoms of our Materia Medica is based on the concept of clinically verified symptoms which have been treated and managed with homoeopathic medicines. Knerr’s repertory is useful for contemporary homeopaths as they will be able to find the connection between examination, investigation…

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